In previous years we handed out 23 separate awards at our show. These have a wide range and include awards for cars, bikes, trucks, racecar, kids pedal cars, most unique, best engine, interior, paint, etc. All but 8 of these awards are handmade. This is a lengthy process, so we begin in early January of every year. Once we have the trophies built and painted, they are delivered to local artist Jeremy Kemp to be hand lettered and pinstriped. From the beginning (2014) our awards have always had a cross theme and we continue that tradition today. We wanted something unique and special to give the winners and the response has been fantastic.
The Steve McAbee Award is presented every year in Steve’s honor. Not only was Steve a car guy, but he was instrumental in helping His Vineyard grow as a church. Steve’s willingness to volunteer his time and talents at His Vineyard was second to none. His prayers and ability to lead could be seen in many different areas of our church. Steve is missed by his family both at home and church. Steve’s family picks the winner of this award, and it’s truly an honor to be able to present it to someone with a hot rod that Steve would have loved himself!
Terry Kennemore was a hot rodder to the core. Terry had a passion for fast, good looking hot rods and his knowledge of both was hard to beat. His mild easy-going demeanor always made you feel welcome and his sense of humor could not be beaten. Terry’s support for us and all of our hot rod endeavors is still appreciated to this very day. Terry was a lot of things to a lot of people, but most of all, he was a friend. We know he would shake his head at the thought of us having an award in his honor, and that’s ok. We are truly honored to pick a hot rod that Terry would have loved and present them with this award along with the Best in Show.
His Vineyard Car Show
656 Arlington Road, Greer, South Carolina 29651, United States
Copyright © 2025 His Vineyard Car Show - All Rights Reserved.